Nu Image Medical Partners With Kevin Harrington to Disrupt Telemedicine Industry

Nu Image Medical Partners With Kevin Harrington to Disrupt Telemedicine Industry

The direct-to-consumer digital health men’s field is a multi-billion dollar industry, and Nu Image Medical is among the leaders in product creation and formulation. Unlike competitors, Nu Image Medical has a broad spectrum product line, targeting each of the physical changes that result from the hormonal imbalances brought on by aging.

With loyal customers in all age brackets, Nu Image Medical sets itself apart by offering custom programs in multiple wellness categories. All products used in conjunction with their specialized programs are created and rigorously tested by a team of concierge doctors, formulary pharmacists, and quality assurance pharmacists before being prescribed by medical providers via telehealth visits.

And while the marketplace is full of companies combating the physical effects of hormonal changes, Nu Image Medical is unique in offering so many different programs that target hair thinning and loss, erectile dysfunction and low libido, weight loss, and hormonal imbalances.

Beyond the confidence loss experienced by those suffering from these age-related issues, many Nu Image clients reported feeling depressed and anxious prior to effective treatment. The overwhelmingly positive feedback and repeat business from clients has helped the Nu Image Medical team to continue research on breakthrough products as well as to begin branching out into new offerings, including those for women.

With proprietary formulations and a team of medical, technology, legal, and marketing experts in place, Nu Image Medical’s next challenge is to grow its client base through aggressive marketing. The recent addition of celebrity spokespeople, as well as a partnership with well-known brand builder and original Shark Tank member, Kevin Harrington, both serve to accomplish their marketing goals.

Nu Image Medical maintains its focus on the client at all times, doing extensive market research before bringing any products to trial. If a solution can be developed based on client feedback and requests, the medical experts begin their work examining what is already available on the market and how improvements can be made to current offerings.

Many months of research and trials take place before any formulation reaches the market and can be prescribed to clients. Nu Image Medical specializes in creating new dosages and synergistic combinations of existing, trusted medications; their modifications result in maximum results for their clients.

Helmed by Founder and CEO Andreas Dettlaff, Nu Image Medical was founded in 2008 after Dettlaff had initially partnered with his primary care physician to address men’s health needs.

As the market grew and the medical landscape changed, so did Nu Image Medical. Andreas Dettlaff once handled all aspects of the operation, and now manages a team of 23; Nu Image Medical currently offers online visits whereas doctors used to have to see patients in office.

Andreas Dettlaff’s background in technology has served Nu Image Medical well, giving them an early edge over competitors. In addition to pioneering telemedicine, the company has enjoyed the benefits of its proprietary software program, which functions as an EMR, an accounting software platform, a video platform, a billing platform, a customer service platform, a medical platform, and a reporting platform.

Their technological advantage means that they are able to communicate more easily and securely with their clients and their team of medical experts.

When asked about what’s next for Nu Image Medical, Dettlaff cites the expansion of their product lines as well as growth on a grand scale. Nu Image Medical products inspire such confidence that they intend to compete with the current market leaders in both hair loss and erectile dysfunction treatments.

Having already eliminated so many of the impediments to clients seeking help for their age-related medical issues, Nu Image Medical is on track to be a market leader in treating hormonal imbalances for both men and women.