Nu Image Medical Partners with Ric Flair

Nu Image Medical Partners with Ric Flair

Pioneering regenerative medicine company Nu Image Medical is poised to increase sales exponentially in the coming months and years. With proprietary prescription-based programs that combat the physical changes associated with aging, Nu Image Medical has now partnered with powerhouse spokespeople who will help to bring awareness to their successful health programs. One of their most exciting partnerships is with Former WWE Wrestling Champion Ric Flair, a notorious figure in sports and entertainment.

Ric Flair is a legend in the wrestling world, widely regarded by his peers and journalists as the greatest wrestler of all time. His career spanned 50 years before he reluctantly retired and wrestled his final match in 2022. Flair earned his nickname, “The Nature Boy” after he had to move to a grappling style of wrestling following a plane crash in 1975 that left him with a broken back. Never one to give up, Flair completed an aggressive physical therapy schedule that got him back in the wrestling ring just three months after the plane crash.

Nu Image Medical tapped Ric Flair specifically to promote their Mt. Everest program, rapid dissolve tablets for erectile dysfunction (also known as ED). Flair is well-known as a lothario and is an ideal choice to represent a product that combats erectile dysfunction while simultaneously increasing libido and enhancing the entire sexual experience. Unlike generic tablets that can take up to 60 minutes to work, Mt. Everest 3-in-1 tablets are absorbed orally, directly into the bloodstream without requiring digestion, which means clients can see results in as little as 5 minutes.

Erectile dysfunction, which is the inability to achieve erections and sustain them during sexual intercourse, is just one of the frustrating effects of aging. More than 50% of men will experience some form of ED during their lifetime, for any number of reasons. ED can be attributed to heart disease, blood vessel disease, diabetes, certain medications, obesity, smoking, depression, anxiety, stress, or a combination of factors. Because of the prevalence of ED, combined with how embarrassed many men are by it, Mt. Everest has become a flagship product for Nu Image Medical.

While their sexual enhancement products have drawn thousands of clients to Nu Image Medical, their programs actually began with weight loss and have only grown from there. With a goal of combatting the physical effects that result from the hormonal balances of aging, Nu Image Medical boasts a broad spectrum product line. Their compound-prescription programs treat hair thinning and loss, erectile dysfunction, low libido, mood swings, and weight gain.

In order to create proprietary blends that achieve unique results, Nu Image Medical employs a team of concierge doctors, formulary pharmacists, and quality assurance pharmacists. The first step is for the medical experts to begin their work by examining what is already available on the market and how improvements can be made to current offerings. Nu Image Medical specializes in creating new dosages and synergistic combinations of existing, trusted medications; their modifications result in maximum results for their clients. All products and programs go through rigorous testing before they are prescribed via telehealth visits with medical providers.

Nu Image Medical CEO Andreas Dettlaff has confirmed that new programs are already in the pipeline. Nu Image Medical determines their next products by listening to their clients and using feedback and requests to drive their research teams.

“We are bringing to market several new products to address men and women’s needs in a variety of under-treated conditions and helping consumers find new, easier ways to access treatment, whether through telemedicine, or online retail,” says Detlaff.

Another factor that sets Nu Image Medical apart from competitors is its telemedicine approach, which is especially valuable for those suffering from ED. Telehealth visits help to eliminate embarrassing in-person doctor’s visits, as well as saving clients time and money. In many cases, clients can also enjoy the convenience of being connected to a doctor that is committed to treating their condition, rather than questioning the validity of it.

Partnering with well-known personalities like Ric Flair allows Nu Image Medical to increase awareness of their programs and help millions of men find easier ways to access treatment.

Flair thinks that the partnership is a natural fit. “During my many years in the wrestling ring, I’ve always strived to provide the best entertainment and performance for my fans. I am excited to partner with a company that also prioritizes superior performance and helps men live happier healthier lives. WOOOOO!”

Over their nearly two decades in business, Nu Image Medical has helped hundreds of thousands of clients with a myriad of issues. They have been inundated with positive feedback that lets them know they are changing lives for the better. But the regenerative health and anti-aging industries are multi-billion dollar industries, and Nu Image Medical sees room for growth in their future.

With their team of medical, technology, legal, and marketing experts, along with their proprietary compound formulations, convenient telemedicine delivery method, and now exciting partnerships such as with Ric Flair, Nu Image Medical is on track to become a market leader in regenerative medicine.